Starthmiglo Village Hall

About the Hall

Strathmiglo Public Hall is a registered charity, owned by the village community and managed by a voluntary committee, overseen by three ex-officio trustees.

The building originally came into being in 1843 after the Disruption in the Church of Scotland when breakaway congregations, demanding the right to appoint their own choice of minister, left to form their own free churches. Sometime around 1900 the congregation, dwindling in numbers, re-merged with the parish church. Around 1930 the building was adapted to become the village hall.

The building has been substantially extended and improved since then and the Management Committee continues to work to improve both the fabric of the building and the facilities it can offer.

Trustees – all ex-officio:
One of the local Community councillors

The Chair of the Community Association

One of the local Fife Councillors

The Management Committee
Chair – Ms. P Garnett
Treasurer – Ms A. Stewart
Secretary – Mr G Scott
Committee:  Mrs A Hutton, Mrs C. Johnstone, Mrs K Lindsay, Ms. F. Stuart, Mr N MacTavish,  Mr G Cook, Mr G. Bowie, Mr I. Thorogood

Hallkeeper: Mrs. C. Johnstone